Supernote Project Planner

Supernote Project Planner
Perfectionnez-le: Personnalisez, Téléchargez, Recommencez.
Sans limites!
Planner Theme
Paramètres et mises en page du planner:
Page 1/4
Calendrier annuel de 2 pages
Page 2/4
Plan annuel
Page 3/4
Notes de section personnalisées
Page 4/4
Objectifs annuels
Quarterly links are inactive
Page 1/4
Planificateur trimestriel sur 2 pages
Page 2/4
Focus trimestriel
Page 3/4
Notes de section personnalisées
Page 4/4
Objectifs trimestriels
Page 1/4
Planificateur mensuel de 2 pages
Page 2/4
Résumé mensuel
Page 3/4
Notes de section personnalisées
Page 4/4
Objectifs mensuels
Hebdomadaire links are inactive
Page 1/4
Planificateur hebdomadaire sur 2 pages
Page 2/4
Tableau de bord hebdomadaire
Page 3/4
Notes de section personnalisées
Page 4/4
Objectifs hebdomadaires
Quotidien links are inactive
Page 1/4
Programme quotidien (professionnel)
Page 2/4
Boîte à idées
Page 3/4
Notes de Réunion Quotidienne
Page 4/4
Grille lignée avec calendrier
Goal Templates
Productivity Templates
Traqueurs d'habitudes
Tâches personnelles
Work & Business Templates
Reading Journal
Note Pages
Other Templates
Section Title
Tab Title
Page count exceeds limit.
Plan de projet
Remarques de Projet
Tâches du projet
Tableau Kanban
Budget du projet
Section Index Page Page
Timeline 23 Items
Each subject includes the following pages:
Page 1/4
Task list for Supernote
Page 2/4
Ruled Grid
Page 3/4
Ruled Grid
Page 4/4
Ruled Grid
Page count exceeds limit.
Plan de projet
Remarques de Projet
Tableau Kanban
Budget du projet
Section Index Page Page
To-Do 20 Items
Each subject includes the following pages:
Page 1/4
Task list for Supernote
Page 2/4
Ruled Grid
Page 3/4
Ruled Grid
Page 4/4
Ruled Grid
Page count exceeds limit.
Plan de projet
Remarques de Projet
Tableau Kanban
Tâches du projet
Budget du projet
Section Index Page Page
Milestones with Action Items
Each subject includes the following pages:
Page 1/4
Workflow & Checklist
Page 2/4
Ruled Grid
Page 3/4
Ruled Grid
Page 4/4
Ruled Grid
Page count exceeds limit.
Plan de projet
Remarques de Projet
Tableau Kanban
Tâches du projet
Budget du projet
Section Index Page Page
Dated Subjects 8 Rows
Each subject includes the following pages:
Page 1/4
Meeting Notes
Page 2/4
Ruled Grid
Page 3/4
Ruled Grid
Page 4/4
Ruled Grid
Page count exceeds limit.
Plan de projet
Remarques de Projet
Tableau Kanban
Tâches du projet
Budget du projet
Section Index Page Page
Dated Subjects 8 Rows
Each subject includes the following pages:
Page 1/4
Meeting Notes
Page 2/4
Ruled Grid
Page 3/4
Ruled Grid
Page 4/4
Ruled Grid
Page count exceeds limit.
Plan de projet
Remarques de Projet
Tableau Kanban
Tâches du projet
Budget du projet
Section Index Page Page
Dated Subjects 8 Rows
Each subject includes the following pages:
Page 1/4
Meeting Notes
Page 2/4
Ruled Grid
Page 3/4
Ruled Grid
Page 4/4
Ruled Grid
Page count exceeds limit.
Plan de projet
Remarques de Projet
Tableau Kanban
Tâches du projet
Budget du projet
Section Index Page Page
Dated Subjects 8 Rows
Each subject includes the following pages:
Page 1/4
Meeting Notes
Page 2/4
Ruled Grid
Page 3/4
Ruled Grid
Page 4/4
Ruled Grid
Page count exceeds limit.
Plan de projet
Remarques de Projet
Tableau Kanban
Tâches du projet
Budget du projet
Section Index Page Page
Dated Subjects 8 Rows
Each subject includes the following pages:
Page 1/4
Meeting Notes
Page 2/4
Ruled Grid
Page 3/4
Ruled Grid
Page 4/4
Ruled Grid
Page count exceeds limit.
Plan de projet
Remarques de Projet
Tableau Kanban
Tâches du projet
Budget du projet
Section Index Page Page
Dated Subjects 8 Rows
Each subject includes the following pages:
Page 1/4
Meeting Notes
Page 2/4
Ruled Grid
Page 3/4
Ruled Grid
Page 4/4
Ruled Grid
Page count exceeds limit.
Plan de projet
Remarques de Projet
Tableau Kanban
Tâches du projet
Budget du projet
Section Index Page Page
Dated Subjects 8 Rows
Each subject includes the following pages:
Page 1/4
Meeting Notes
Page 2/4
Ruled Grid
Page 3/4
Ruled Grid
Page 4/4
Ruled Grid
Total Pages: 932 from 1200
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Supernote Project Planner

10,23 €
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29 Supernote Planners

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19,97 €
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Après l'achat, profitez de personnalisations et téléchargements illimités de votre planner ou pack, sans frais supplémentaires

Boost Your Project Management Skills with the Supernote Project Planner, Custom-Designed for Today's Innovative Project Manager. This planner is your gateway to organized, efficient project planning.

Project Management Mastery 📊: Command your projects with ease using adaptable sections, including project plans, notes, timelines, kanban boards, to-do lists, and budget management. Navigate effortlessly with customizable index pages and direct links for quick reference.

Weekly Workflow Excellence 🗓️: Our weekly templates are expertly crafted to assist you in balancing schedules, monitoring progress, setting goals, and managing finances, ensuring a week that's both productive and well-organized.

Daily Productivity Empowerment 🌅: Start each day with a clear, focused mindset. Our daily templates are designed to optimize your schedule, prioritize essential tasks, and promote wellness and creativity, maintaining high productivity throughout the day. The planner begins with 2 core daily pages, and gives you the option to expand with 2 more, providing the adaptability to shape your day exactly how you require.

Quarterly Strategic Planning 🌷: Utilize our quarterly templates to establish clear goals, focus on key priorities, and review progress, keeping you in line with your long-term vision.

Annual Vision and Goals Alignment 📅: Our yearly templates help you articulate your goals, create a comprehensive plan, and track your progress, ensuring you remain inspired and on track.

Enhanced Goals & Productivity 🎯: Achieve more with our targeted goal-setting and productivity tools. Set realistic goals, improve time management, and increase efficiency, propelling you towards your project milestones.

Essential Extras for Complete Management 🌈: Stay informed and connected with additional features like a curated reading list, contact management, and note-taking for meetings and conferences, essential for thorough project management.

Versatile Note-Taking 📓: Capture every detail with our varied note templates.

Transform every project into a success with the Supernote Project Planner – Your Partner in Efficient and Effective Project Management!



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Custom dates

Dates personnalisées

adaptées à vos besoins

Customize Your Planner

Personnalisez votre planner

Adaptez votre planner à votre vie en choisissant les mises en page les plus adaptées

Sunday / Monday

Dimanche / Lundi

choisissez le jour de début de semaine qui vous convient

Editing mode

Mode édition

dessinez, écrivez et esquissez où que vous soyez

Supernote Project Planner

10,23 €
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29 Supernote Planners

+Futures versions et mises à jour & Updates
19,97 €
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Après l'achat, profitez de personnalisations et téléchargements illimités de votre planner ou pack, sans frais supplémentaires